Rachel Brooks
Awards & Starpack Manager

IOP: The Packaging Society
A division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
The Boilerhouse
Springfield Business Park
Caunt Road
NG31 7FZ
Tel: 01476 513885
Fax: 01476 513899
Student Home | Design Briefs | Judging | 2008 Awards

Timetable 2009

W/C 8 September 2008

Brochures mail out

12 November 2008

Student Open Day
Open day registration form
(pdf file 58k)

17 March 2009

Entry closing date - enter online. The entry form will be available on 1 November.

23 - 27 March 2009

Pack entries to arrive

29 March - 1 April 2009


21 May 2009

Awards Ceremony
1 Carlton House Terrace,
London, SW1Y 5DB

Lunch will be provided.

Organised by

  Starpack is co-ordinated by IOP: The Packaging Society (a Division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining)
  and IOM Communications Ltd
  IOM Communications is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

  © The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining 2006